Arthur Gunn
- nickname Arthur
- e-mail [email protected]
- homepage
- github
- stackoverflow user 544556
In Short
I'm a full-stack developer. I know many languages but am concentrating on ruby and node and the ecosystem of technologies around them for the backend, with react.js, d3.js and other javascript libraries for the frontend.I've discovered that it pays to do things right. In the software world, this means fixing problems where I find them and making pull-requests. Doing this with languages, I've contributed to ruby and macruby. With ruby, I've contributed to cells, rails_admin, rspec and thor. With javascript projects, I've contributed to react.js, ember.js, and many more. For a more complete idea of my open source work, please see my github account.
I like making graphical UIs that are intuitive and instantly responsive - as exemplified by my EverDB and AstroTour projects below. I'm now using react.js for organising large web projects with javascript (or typescript), and react-native to get them running on phones. I'm constantly experimenting with new libraries to keep on top of the game.
Mewzet - Designer and programmer. August 2008 - February 2011
A system for teaching and grading music theory online with hundreds of interactive lessons. A ruby-on-rails app with adobe flex for the dynamic front-end.
MixMatters - Programmer and sys-admin February 2011 - October 2013
A music website for insiders. Has 10s of GB of content uploaded and organised through rails_admin, a gem I've contributed lots to. Custom pages editable with Mercury. Served with nginx, postgres and couchbase. Testing done with rspec and capybara.
WolandBros - Lead Developer January 2014 - Present
A business advisory and development agency for ambitious enterprises. Combining the best cutting edge front-end tools with solid back-end technologies to help our clients impress their audiences.
Opolox Live
An interactive dashboard that visualizes the economic state of the target country. 7 years of monthly data can be switched through by scrolling over the bar-chart on the left. Written to be very performant, using typescript with react and D3.
A 3D globe shows a fraction of the tweets made around the world pop up on its surface live as they are posted. A node server streams tweets from twitter, filters them for location data and sends them to the client over a websocket connection. Animation combines canvas and svg with D3.
A structured CV publishing system, specifically the one used to generate and possibly serve this CV. Content is defined entirely in YAML. The generator and server are packaged in the one rubygem. Testing done with minitest.
A system with web and mobile apps for adminning data. Technical users can create custom interfaces for types of data for regular users. Made with node, react, and react-native. It uses websockets to keep data-synchronised between devices down to the keypress.